Fig - The Natural Way To Good Health

Are you suffering from external piles? Then you should know that certain foods can cause your external piles. Certain foods just dont agree with some people, while the same food dont bother other people. External piles can sometimes be cured by eliminating certain foods and by eating more of other kinds of food. 1st, let us examine some foods that you should avoid to help you eliminate your external piles.

Papaya is very useful fruit in piles problem. This tasty fruit helps the digestive system to work efficiently. Also it helps to maintain good digestive health. Have nearly 100 grams of fresh and ripe papaya daily.


Some people say that piles are associated with varicose veins. Obviously, it is not true. What exactly are piles? Piles are swellings around the rectal and anal areas. Basically, piles are not hardened stool at all but they are actually caused by these pieces of hardened stool. They may even swell as large as a golf ball most especially in severe cases. Before everything gets worst, find the piles treatment that suits you now. Your treatment should focus on your health and condition of your ailment. During your daily activities, avoid sitting on hard surfaces, avoid straining when having a bowel movement and piles disease do not ever use donut cushions.

Decide where you would like to have your piles (if you need them at all). If you choose to still keep piles of papers, choose ONE central location so that you can contain the mess.

In more severe cases the puffed up veins can emerge outside the anus and be visible to the human eye. This is usually known as piles (or prolapse) because it's when you become distressingly aware you have a problem.



Open each piece of mail (instead of just setting it in a pile) and decide if you can spare the extra minute then and there, to just take care of it. This is where it gets tricky for some - dealing with it right then and there. We are so eager to see what's in the mail, but we have ZERO desire to actually deal with it - except to maybe look through a new magazine we just received. Spare the magazine and deal with your mail right away!

Dried and powdered mango seeds are very effective in treating bleeding piles. 1-2 grams of this powder should be taken for best results. One can add few drops of honey for taste.

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